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Module: util

These commands provide various utility functions. This module is active by default but can be deactivated.

Command Description
debug various commands for debugging and analysis
deobfuscate deobfuscates text
find finds users, roles etc. by any of their identifiers
html-escape converts text using HTML escape sequences
html-unescape converts text using HTML escape sequences
lower-case converts text to lower case
morse-decode converts morse code to text
morse-encode converts text to morse code
obfuscate obfuscates text
reverse reverses text
small-caps converts text to lower case
upper-case converts text to upper case
url-decode converts text using URL escape sequences
url-encode converts text using URL escape sequences

Command: debug

Various commands for debugging and analysis.

This command can only be executed in a text channel and not via direct message.

Command Description
debug permission creates a data dump of all relevant permissions and overrides on the server

Command: debug permission

Creates a data dump of all relevant permissions and overrides on the server.

This command can only be executed in a text channel and not via direct message.

By default, you need the Manage Server permission to execute this command.
Permission overrides may be applied on node util.debug.permission.

Option Description
[–user] [<user>] Refers to a specific user with a matching mention, id, name, nickname or in-game name.
The --user flag is optional if a user mention is used or this option is provided first.
Refers to the current user if only the --user flag is provided.
[–role] <role> Refers to a specific role with a matching mention, id or name.
The --role flag is optional if a role mention is used.
–server Refers to the current server.
Keyword Aliases
permission permissions
–user //user
–role //role
–server //server

Command: deobfuscate

Deobfuscates text.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.obfuscate.

Command: find

Finds users, roles etc. by any of their identifiers.

By default, this command will behave the same as find user.

This command can only be executed in a text channel and not via direct message.

Keyword Aliases
find search
Command Description
find user finds users by any of their identifiers
find role finds roles by any of their identifiers
find permission finds permission by any of their identifiers
find node finds nodes by any of their identifiers
find module finds modules by any of their identifiers
find game finds games by any of their identifiers
find channel finds text channels by any of their identifiers

Command: find user

Finds users by any of their identifiers.

This command can only be executed in a text channel and not via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.find.user.

Option Description
[–user] [<user>] Refers to all users with a matching mention, id, name, nickname or in-game name.
The --user flag is optional if a user mention is used or this option is provided first.
Refers to the current user if only the --user flag is provided.
Keyword Aliases
user users
–user //user

Command: find role

Finds roles by any of their identifiers.

This command can only be executed in a text channel and not via direct message.

By default, you need the Manage Roles permission to execute this command.
Permission overrides may be applied on node util.find.role.

Option Description
[–role] <role> Refers to all roles with a matching mention, id or name.
The --role flag is optional if a role mention is used or this option is provided first.
Keyword Aliases
role roles
–role //role

Command: find permission

Finds permission by any of their identifiers.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

By default, you need the Manage Roles permission to execute this command.
Permission overrides may be applied on node util.find.permission.

Option Description
[–permission] <permission> Refers to all permissions with a matching name (e.g. “Manage Server”).
The --permission flag is optional if this option is provided first.
Keyword Aliases
permission permissions
–permission //permission

Command: find node

Finds nodes by any of their identifiers.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

By default, you need the Manage Server permission to execute this command.
Permission overrides may be applied on node util.find.module.

Option Description
[–node] <node> Refers to all permission nodes for bot commands with a matching name.
The --node flag is optional if this option is provided first.
Keyword Aliases
node nodes
–node //node

Command: find module

Finds modules by any of their identifiers.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

By default, you need the Manage Server permission to execute this command.
Permission overrides may be applied on node util.find.module.

Option Description
[–module] <module> Refers to all bot modules with a matching name.
The --module flag is optional if this option is provided first.
Keyword Aliases
module modules
–module //module

Command: find game

Finds games by any of their identifiers.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node

Option Description
[–game] <game> Refers to all games with a matching id or name.
The --game flag is optional if this option is provided first.
Keyword Aliases
game games
–game //game

Command: find channel

Finds text channels by any of their identifiers.

This command can only be executed in a text channel and not via direct message.

By default, you need the Manage Server permission to execute this command.
Permission overrides may be applied on node

Option Description
[–channel] [<channel>] Refers to all text channels with a matching mention, id or name.
The --channel flag is optional if a channel mention is used or this option is provided first.
Refers to the current channel if only the --channel flag is provided.
Keyword Aliases
channel channels
–channel //channel

Command: html-escape

Converts text using HTML escape sequences.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.html.

Keyword Aliases
html-escape htmlescape

Command: html-unescape

Converts text using HTML escape sequences.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.html.

Keyword Aliases
html-unescape htmlunescape

Command: lower-case

Converts text to lower case.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.text.

Keyword Aliases
lower-case lowercase

Command: morse-decode

Converts morse code to text.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.morse.

Keyword Aliases
morse-decode morsedecode

Command: morse-encode

Converts text to morse code.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.morse.

Keyword Aliases
morse-encode morseencode

Command: obfuscate

Obfuscates text.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.obfuscate.

Command: reverse

Reverses text.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.text.

Command: small-caps

Converts text to lower case.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.text.

Keyword Aliases
small-caps smallcaps

Command: upper-case

Converts text to upper case.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.text.

Keyword Aliases
upper-case uppercase

Command: url-decode

Converts text using URL escape sequences.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.url.

Keyword Aliases
url-decode urldecode

Command: url-encode

Converts text using URL escape sequences.

This command can be executed in a text channel or via direct message.

Permission overrides may be applied on node util.unicode.url.

Keyword Aliases
url-encode urlencode